William Schpero

William Schpero

I am a health economist and an assistant professor in the Division of Health Policy and Economics of the Department of Population Health Sciences at the Joan & Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University. I am also Co-Associate Director at the Cornell Center for Health Equity.

I study Medicaid and the health care safety net in the United States. Through my research, I aim to identify policy levers to address racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in health and health care.

Recent Highlights:

  • July 2024: In the Journal of Clinical Oncology, we share evidence on how Medicaid may affect racial and ethnic disparities in clinical trial participation.
  • May 2024: We wrote in JAMA on CMS' recently announced policy changing access to federal health insurance data for research.

Contact: Email, LinkedIn, Twitter

Links: Cornell Profile, Github, Google Scholar, Pubmed